Does a Married Couple without Children Need a Will?
In fact, many couples with no children mistakenly believe that they are less likely to need a last will and testament than couples with children.
In fact, many couples with no children mistakenly believe that they are less likely to need a last will and testament than couples with children.
The death of a spouse is one of the most difficult things imaginable. Besides the emotional toll, surviving spouses typically confront financial issues, which often trigger tax-related questions and consequences. Some of them are fairly straightforward, while others can be tricky.
The death of a spouse is one of the most difficult things imaginable. Besides the emotional toll, surviving spouses typically confront financial issues, which often trigger tax-related questions and consequences.
My boyfriend and I have lived together for 13 years but he is still officially married to another woman. He has a life insurance policy and I’m the beneficiary, and I’m also the beneficiary of his 401(k). Do we need a will and do I have to worry about his wife getting the money?
You may be running your business for years without any thoughts of selling and then suddenly receive an offer to buy your firm. It could be from a private equity group, a competitor or a key customer or supplier.
If you are planning to take another walk down the aisle, it is critical to take the time to review and revise your estate plan, especially if meaningful assets and debts are being brought into the marriage.
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Alexandria, LA 71301
1070-B West Causeway Approach
Mandeville, LA 70471