You Need a Buy-Sell Agreement for Your Business
What happens at your company when a shareholder dies or becomes disabled, or wants to leave? These are just two of the potential scenarios that can be properly addressed with a buy-sell agreement.
What happens at your company when a shareholder dies or becomes disabled, or wants to leave? These are just two of the potential scenarios that can be properly addressed with a buy-sell agreement.
Even those with the best of intentions can fall into the trap of estate planning misinformation. Estate planning attorneys frequently hear rumors and ill advice disguised as facts.
If you do not learn from your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them. In Estate Planning, if you do not learn from other’s mistakes, you are likely to repeat them.
A proper estate plan will help those left navigate the disposition of assets and the probate court system, especially for unmarried couples and some married same-sex couples.
A holographic will is a will handwritten by the testator (the maker of a will). Holographic wills are recognized in about half of the states in the United States.
How do we move into probate, so we do not lose the house and bank accounts, while not killing ourselves in the process?
How can you prepare your children to handle the assets they’ll eventually inherit?
You may love your son-in-law or daughter-in-law now, but that could change down the road. So, if you don’t want your money going to your child’s future ex, here’s what you should do.
8 Key Steps to Take Before Hiring a Lawyer Step 1 Before Hiring a Lawer: Figure out what type of attorney you need. If you
If the deceased has a will, it usually names a close relative, friend, accountant, attorney or financial institution to act as executor of the will.
3112 Jackson Street
Alexandria, LA 71301
1070-B West Causeway Approach
Mandeville, LA 70471